Thursday, 2 May 2013

remodelled girl

i revisited my high poly model and remodelled her hair and face, her eyes are now just a curved plane and i re unwraped her as i acidentally lost the uv information when i began to remodel her and i then retextured her.

redesigned rabbit model

i revisited my low poly character and retextured him to look like this

i used a simple bump map to make him look like he had damaged cloth for a body. i removed his coat and remodeled the inner face to be 3d rather than a flat plane.

in game renders

here are some renders of the finished environment, it was meant to look like a story book, as if everything could of been made out of the pages of a book, i wanted to add music to the level but the piece i wanted to include was too long and wouldnt import which was a shame, its beautiful

link to music i wanted to use:

Tree woman

these are some renders to show the process of the woman, she was a pain to unwrap and took a long time to do satisfactory, next time i do any kind of statue i will remember that i need to unwrap it aswell as that was a nightmare. i attempted to mudboz her to add extra detail which sadly didint work and the effect was lost in translation, i did give it a try and have included my fail maps for normals and displacement.

the texture is siple as she is to have the heart shaped roses added to the tree itself

renders of assets created for the environment

these assets will help populate the area and support the main model which is of the girl engulfed by a tree.

garden concept

i drew out this concpet of a circular gateway leading into the area with a well behind them, i then built the gateway and wel in 3dsmax.

the well was put through mudboz to see if i could give the models a higher poly look without the actual geometry, however when the normals were extracted they didnt work correctly as the model was too low poly to accept alot of the detail i put in, after looking on some forums aswell it would of been difficult to put them into udk correctly in the timescale i have. i also built a butterfly feeder but after deciding everything in the environemnt would be natural and overgrown the well and feeder didnt make much sense.

the environmet was going to consist of a woman who had given herself over to nature and become engulfed by nature and turned into a living tree, kind of a take on mother nature. the environment would be full of natural overgrown plants as if noone had been there for hundreds of years, the only man made thing would be a tombstone style plaque.

 this is a breif breakdown about how i built the privet walls so they would slot nicely with the stone entrance, i built it in the same scene saved it as a seperate file and deleted the entrance  so i could have it as a seperate asset.

for the outside of the environment i built trees to give the illusion of a forest hiding this away.

trees are harder than they look, after a few trys i ended up using opacitys and intersecting planes to make a simple pine tree.

when i put the opacity maps into udk they didnt work at first, after looking on poly count forums i realised in the advanced settings for the material setup i hadnt changed it from blend_none to blend_mask which allows opacity maps to show through, simple fix for what was a massive headache!

garden concept - animals

i thought of this idea of a garden filled with all eformed animals to give it a whimsical edge above was the thumbnailing to a cat and lizard that never really worked after i decided to build one in 3ds max, it was a massive struggle to do as the creatuure would be static in UDK it was almost like a statue, because of this i scrapped the idea for using animals but i really liked the idea of an enclosed garden people dont really get to see.